Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Workin' At The Carwash Yea! 2-16-2011

Well, maybe I wasn't working there, but that song sure goes with what happened this evening. I had work for most of the day. Then, when I got of work at 6 I went over to the church for youth group. After I decided that I would go through the carwash with Robert. It was kinda fun and didn't cost nearly as much $$ as I thought it would (yippie!)

This is the link to the video for today because the video wouldnt load last night I had to leave the computer running and let it upload to facebook and publish this in the morning...but it was written yesterday!

1 comment:

  1. Ack! The video keeps messing up and won't Load!!!!! I will have to work on this later... :P
